About The Hubb
The Hubb is our Inclusion and Equity Education (IEE) segment consisting of blog posts and resources. We talk about all things social justice and DEI, while incorporating pop culture! This idea came about when we realized that there was another way that we could provide education regarding marginalized populations. Many of these topics are inspired by discussions that Kiristen and Maria have within their coursework or cohorts. Some of them are even inspired by the things that they are not discussing, that need to be talked about. Our goal is to provide education, while making it relatable.
Throughout the month, IEE student staffers Kiristen and Maria will be dropping blogs and resources. On Wednesday's, Kiristen or a guest blogger will
provide you with a blog post. On Friday's, Maria will provide resources
pertaining to Wednesday’s topic. The posts and resources are to inform you of
topics, develop awareness around the issue, encourage you to make a difference
and provide you with resources that you may not know about.
We want to
allow the space for respect and cultural awareness. This is a space dedicated
to creating awareness and providing education on inclusion and equity topics.
If you have any topic suggestions or want to become a guest blogger, please email us your blog! Please note that we also reserve the right to decline any items sent to us.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uofdenveriee
Instagram and Twitter: @uofdenveriee
Email: igr@du.edu