Resources for this week's Blog!

This week we read a great piece from Kiristen about child abuse and families with trans youth! Below I have attached some resources for individuals in the trans community! This is info on campus engagement, social media influencers and more! ACLU Colorado "Everyone in this country has the right to be included in the promises and protections of the Constitution, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. ACLU of Colorado works for equal rights and legal protections against discrimination and harassment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender non-conforming people. " DU Queer Student Alliance "The University of Denver QSA supports the LGBTQIA+ community and aims to create a welcoming climate on campus while promoting DEI." @VeondreMitchell on Instagram Ve’Ondre Mitchell is a transgender teen social media influencer from Seattle, WA. She shares her experiences as a black, Latinx and transgender woman to inspire change and acc...